Sarawak Young Generation.

kitai ka dikumbai urang young generation of sarawak tu kai semina kitai biak tang bisi peranan tauka dikumbai jaku ribai role .Nama role ea bakatu. kitai ka dikumbai urang anembiak ku bansa kitai mesti ngubah diri empu ari segi ulah,pemanah,runding gau penemu baru kena nyingkap diri ari dikena napi tai ka dudi ari ila.Anang berdalih anang berelex agi berlabuh ari diatu ngambika  nda tinggal ari bansa bukai ti udah mansang ari kitai...SARAWAK BOLEH..

Oil, Gas and Mining by terence

Many countries that are rich in oil, gas and other minerals are nonetheless mired in poverty because the public revenues earned from selling these resources have been squandered through corruption and lack of government accountability.
Citizens of resource-rich countries cannot hold governments and extractive companies to account and ensure that mineral resources are used in a fair and sustainable way unless they have full information about the management of these resources.

Through field investigations and high-level advocacy, Global Witness has worked to increase transparency in the flow of revenues from oil, gas and mining companies to governments. As competition grows between the world's major economies for access to the natural resources of poor countries, our work is increasingly focussing on corruption in the awarding of oil, gas and mining rights to companies and the international trading of these resources. We are also stepping up our work on banks and middlemen who enable corruption.
Global Witness conceived and co-launched the Publish What You Pay (PWYP)campaign, a civil society coalition with more than 300 member groups around the world, which works to promote greater transparency in the oil, gas and mining industries. We are a leading participant in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a global process launched in 2003 which brings together governments, companies and civil society groups to work for greater public disclosure and independent oversight of oil, gas and mining revenues.

Business Customers

In business, power is crucial. We empower your business by delivering a regular, stable supply. This is how we support your growth and profitability. It's our way of helping the move towards a better Sarawak.

Learn about the different tariff rates we offer. It's now easier to plan your peak and off-peak energy usage around your business demands.

DCMS Family Cash In On Native Lands

News is circulating in the Betong area that Deputy Chief Minster’s family has just cashed in on Native Lands handed to them by the State of Sarawak (thanks to his political ally the Chief Minister, who is also the Planning and Resources Minister and Chairman of the Land Custody and Development Authority). 

Barbara Dubah Jabu, a wealthy match for her new husband with so much land taken from Iban NCR lands and handed to her by the state

They are believed to have made a sale to FELCRA for RM 7 million.  Not bad for lands that have been extracted from their rightful owners for a pittance!
Sarawak Report wonders if either FELCRA, which as a public federal body should publish all such purchases and deals (especially if the families of government Ministers are profiting from them) or indeed Jabu himself would confirm which of his many land acquisitions have been sold on in this way?
Or perhaps the lawyer handling the deal, Ani Solep,  Advocate and Solicitor, would be so good as to make public the details of such a sale of once public lands to a public body?


Terabai Iban : Perisai Kredit: Blog Terabaisigat

Faculty in information management 
students UiTM Sarawak 

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