Ibans life

In this title  ( I bans life), i would say our life ( i bans)  still far away from other race's .Why ...? because in this case so far i have been seen our people do not want change their life and still with the old lifestyles.That why we must change our self because its can makes our life to be a better than before.For example changes our attitude,character,knowledge,culture and society connection.If these matter we doing i am sure our life can be better from before.As a parent should give a good example for their child especially in their attitude,moral and every action in their child.If these we doing i sure our family and our I bans community can be a good in our lifestyles .I suggest we should changing our self as possible we can.. remember our slogan 'Agi idup agi ngelaban' dont forget if we still alive we still fight for truth and our future.All the best. Message created  by Terence sdn.com .

kumang and keling competition.

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